Common Personal Safety Items

Unless you’re a cyborg you probably don’t have a collection of different heads and hands in your cupboard draw. Our heads and hands are nice like them, so here is how to look after them. Personal safety items should always be a top priority, whether we're at home or work. Let’s face it, accidents can happen, but with the right personal safety items, we can greatly reduce the risk of injury. In this blog post, we will explore some common personal safety items that everyone should consider using to protect themselves in various environments.

I. Eye Protection

Our eyes are amazing but the downside is they are delicate and vulnerable to a range of hazards. Whether you're engaged in woodworking, handling chemicals, working in the garden, playing sports or just chopping onions, eye protection is crucial. Safety glasses, goggles, and face shields are excellent options to shield your eyes from flying debris, splashes, and impacts.

When you are working with any kind of machinery, it is advised to wear eye protection that will block sparks, chips or dust from flying into your eye. When choosing eye protection, consider factors such as lens material, fit, and anti-fog features to ensure optimal safety. There are lots of options available online, you can find lenses that are anti-fog or anti-scratch. There are glasses that have a foam rubber seal to keep out dust and it also makes them more comfortable to wear. Tinted or non-tinted, you can even find safety goggles that can be worn over prescription glasses. Ask yourself, how long will you be wearing them, what do you need protection from and what environment will you be working in?

II. Hearing Protection Equipment: 

According to Worksafe, prolonged exposure to anything over 85 decibels can permanently damage your hearing. What’s 85 decibels? Well, your average petrol mower knocks out 95 decibels. Your average chainsaw is a noisy 105 decibels but, pop a pair of earmuffs on and the sound drops to under 80 dB.

Whether you work in a noisy industrial setting or just dabble in a bit of DIY at home, protecting your ears is essential. Earplugs and earmuffs are your two hearing protection options. Earplugs fit snugly into the ear canal and are generally better for use in environments with lower noise levels. Some people will even use them to help them get a decent night’s sleep if they live close to a busy road. Earmuffs, on the other hand, cover the entire ear. Each pair of earmuffs will have a noise reduction rating to help you choose the right pair.

III. Hand Protective Equipment:

Our hands are particularly vulnerable to injuries and exposure to harmful substances. They are at the business end of a power tool or tasked with picking up the mess we’ve made. To safeguard your hands, consider wearing gloves, finger guards, or arm sleeves, depending on the nature of the work or activity. Different hand protection equipment will offer protection against cuts, chemicals, heat, cold or exposure to bacteria.

There is a huge range of gloves to protect your hands whatever job you are doing. If you are chopping chillies or beetroot in the kitchen, pop on a pair of latex gloves to protect your pinkies. Thicker gloves for more heavy-duty tasks will often have a cut resistance rating. These gloves have been tested and given a safety standard rating, either an Australian and New Zealand safety standard ANSI 105 or European safety standard EN 303. Select gloves made from appropriate materials and with the right level of dexterity and grip for the task at hand.

IV. Head Protective Gear:

The head is a vital part of our body, and head protection is critical in environments where falling objects, impacts, or overhead hazards exist. Hard hats and safety helmets are essential, you can’t step onto a construction site, industrial workplace, or similar high-risk areas without first grabbing a safety hat for your head. When you are looking for head protective gear, make sure that it meets relevant safety standards and certifications to ensure optimal protection. Additionally, ensure a proper fit and regularly inspect and replace headgear as needed.

You are worth looking after.

When it comes to personal safety, it's crucial to equip ourselves with the right tools. Eye protection, hearing protection equipment, hand protective gear, and head protective gear are common personal safety items that can significantly reduce the risk of injury at home and work. It is a good habit to get into when you start any job. Don your safety gear and you're ready to go.

All these items are easily purchased online, so you can save yourself a trip to the shops. SupplyMe has a huge range of personal protective equipment (PPE) and safety gear. From safety glasses and gloves to earplugs and hard hats. You can browse and purchase these items from the comfort of your sofa. If you are not sure what you need, simply give us a call on 0800 080 4657, hop on LiveChat on our site or drop us a line at [email protected] for technical advice. All our products are sourced from trusted manufacturers, ensuring quality and reliability.

Remember, safety is always a wise investment!

Safety Glasses